SANSEL Model TCAL 1503 series of Dry well Temperature calibrator range from -45 to 1200 °C in four model (TCAL 1503 / -45, TCAL 1503 / -35, TCAL 1503 / 300, TCAL 1503 / 600 & TCAL 1503 / 1200) are high precision, better resolution, stability, fast in heating and cooling. More well dia and depth to calibrate more number of temperature sensor at a time with better uniformity. These models can meet any calibration requirement in laboratories or in on site applications. This models are inbuilt measuring facility of the Thermocouples, RTD, Resistance, millivolt & milliamps to directly read the signals from most of the temperature sensors, indicator with sensor and Transmitter. Temperature range from -45 to 130 °C with high resolution 0.01 °C up to 130 °C. This model is mainly used in all industries, like Pharmaceutical, food, Research & calibration laboratories etc.,