In the world of modern industrial and manufacturing environments, efficiency, productivity and safety are paramount. To achieve optimal performance, Operators and supervisors rely on advanced tools and technologies that provide real-time insights into the status of critical
processes parameter to view from a long distance. One such tool is the Jumbo Display Timer, This series of big display Timer has a display height of 2‟‟,4‟‟,8‟‟ and 12‟‟sizes, which are visible distance from 50 feet, 100 feet, 200 feet and 400 feet. These Large size Display Timer serves as a beacon of information, offering clear and immediate visibility into the ongoing wide range of process parameter applications such as Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Flow, Level, pH, TDS, Conductivity, Production counting, RPM, Timing, Power, Voltage, Current, Frequency etc.,. these large displays play a pivotal role in keeping operations running smoothly. We offer customization options to tailor our Big Display Timer to your specific needs, applications are multiple indicators with different parameters in one panel.