Dry Block Temperature Calibrators
Dry Block Temperature Calibrators


4-digit numerical process representation

SANSEL offers PI 542A Model PROCESS INDICATORs are extremely versatile
Indicators that can be used for a wide variety of applications. These INSTRUMENT
offer extreme reliability and low cost for Process measurement and logging. PI 542A
is a Microprocessor based instrumentation ensures accurate readings for all Linear
Parameters. A number of programmable features including In-line calibration are
standard. All the parameters are saved in a non volatile EEPROM memory which
doesn’t needs any external battery.
PI 542A can offer relay outputs for signals exceeding set points. Programmable
Re Transmission output models are also available in addition to the industry
standard 4 -20mA or 0 – 10V DC output. Optional RS 485 (2 wire ) output also
provided for PC communication with PC Interface software & also with MODBUS RTU

pH controlling and transmitting setup

The pH 600 – 1 series of pH Controller and Transmitter provides a reliable
method of Monitoring, Controlling & Transmitting 4 – 20mA / RS 485 MODBUS
RTU communication for Interfacing to PLC, Data logger, HMI, etc.,. This
product is suitable to measure pH in water treatment, Electrolytic water
cleaning, Chemical Industries, Food Process, Waste Water treatment, Textile
Industries & Neutralization process, etc.,.
This pH Controller & Transmitter can Measured using Industrial Combined
pH Sensors, Temperature can be measured using temperature sensor. This pH
Controller & Transmitter has many User Friendly and Safety Features Which
as Follows.

Online water quality TDS measurement

SANSEL make TDS indicator is extremely useful for fast and accurate determination
of total dissolved solids in a liquid. The use of solid state technology and IC circuitry
makes this instrument versatile and reliable.
The factory set fixed range is available. The instrument is ideal for testing of
natural water, drinking water, waste water, brine solution, sea water and soluble salts,

Oxidation-reduction potential meter

SANSEL make digital ORP(Oxidation Reduction Potential)/ Redox meter is a precise and rugged instrument Carefully designed for the most accurate measurement of pH in Laboratories and industries. The instruments are completely IC version using “MOFSET” input “OP – AMP” and CMOS ICS. It is a met al cabinet of elegant shape. All the controls that are in regular use have been incorporated in the front panel for operational easy. The instrument is capable of measuring millivolts with auto. Polarity for redox potentials and potentiometric titrations. This instrument Operates from 180V to 230V AC 50Hz.


“SANSEL” series TCAL 1501 / 300 is a micro controller based precision “DRY BLOCK” temperature
calibrators generates true reference temperature. The temperature controller of the calibrators uses a auto tune
FUZZY PID controller algorithm. This response closely follows the heating curve of an actual thermal system.
Place the Thermocouples, RTDs – type (PT 100, K, R, S, B, etc.) to be calibrated in the calibrator. Set the
temperature from the 4.3 inch true TFT display with touch screen. Both Block and set temperature can be read.
When stabilization occurs, Simply read the temperature and re-calibrate the Thermocouples, sensor etc.,. or
comparison with master Thermocouple / RTDs reading.

Dry Block Temperature Calibrators


SANSEL series TCAL 1501/- 40 is a micro controller based precision “LOW TEMPERATURE LIQUID BATH” generates true reference temperature with high resolution and stability. The temperature controller of the bath uses a auto tune FUZZY PID controller algorithm. This fast response closing follows the cooling curve of an actual thermal system. Place the thermometers and thermocouple & RTDs to be calibrated in the bath. Set the temperature from the 3.5 inch true TFT display with touch screen . Both liquid and set temperature can be read. When stabilization occurs, simply read the temperature and re-calibrate the thermometer, sensor etc.,. or comparison with master RTDs reading.


SANSEL Model BCAL 1202, Black body Calibrator is used to measure the accuracy and performance of non-contact Thermometers. Infra red thermometer & online pyrometer calibration is performed by comparison of the temperature measured by UUC and target temperature indicated by the calibrator or using standard pyrometer. Focus the Unit Under Calibration (UUC) to be Calibrate to the target point given in BCAL 1202. Set the Temperature from the Touch screen display. Both True and set Temperature can be read. When Stabilization Occurs, Simply Read the Temperature and re-Calibrate the UUC.

Dry Block Temperature Calibrators


The RPMC 1700 Series is high precision Tachometer calibrator, generates true reference rotation per minute (RPM). This calibrator uses “German technology” with high speed motor, high precision encoder and adoption of a new power full 32 bit CPU in control drive, featuring automated gain tuning function, stability, stable stop, rugged in use and many more. Due to it’s light weight and rugged Aluminium enclosure, it is suitable for in-house and on-site calibration of contact / non contact Tachometer, Tacho coil, Tacho generator, RPM indicator, RPM transmitter, Speedo meter, Proximity sensor, Stroboscope, etc,.

Dry Block Temperature Calibrators


  1. High accuracy
  2. 6 digit user selectable resolution
  3. PT-100 temperature measurement of -200 to 800°C @ 0.001°C resolution
  4. Windows base software (optional)
  5. User selectable pressure units
Dry Block Temperature Calibrators


 Large 2.8″ TFT display with Touch screen
 Ranges from -40 to 85 DegC / 0 to 100% RH / psychometric Converted Dew point
 More resolution 0.01 DegC / 0.01 % RH
 High Accuracy : ±0.2 DegC / ±0.8 % RH
 Inbuilt rechargeable polymer Li-ion battery
 Alarm facility
 Comfortable and anti-slip grip
 Portable & Rugged with carrying case
 ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Calibration certificate